The Templar Legacy- by Steve Berry

I got my first batch of 20 users for my first review of Cry, The Beloved Country 2 days before but that has dwindled to just 2 users yesterday. So to prop up the figures I have decided to post my next review a tad earlier. This is the first time I came across Steve Berry. The novel under consideration is about the all too common topic - the templars(the title conveys as much I guess ;) ).

Cry, The beloved country- by Alan Paton

The book is divided into 3 sections. Roughly they describe: The sufferings of pastor Kumalo- a black priest. The sufferings of Jarvis-a white farmer, and of South Africa. The way ahead for all. The author Alan Paton is a white, who used to be a jailor in _____. I didn’t expect it to be an anti-apartheid book, nor was it Paton’s desire to have it as such I guess.

hello world

So I created this new blog where i can write about the books that I have read. I hope to write an entry a fortnight. Lets see where that takes us.


It has been a long time since I had time to post something. While days have gone by, I haven’t been idling. The reason I have no time is because I have become too engrossed in my appengine work. Appengine, did i mention that before? ah shucks no it seems….time sure flys by. So as usual the links(in this case link): The official and possibly only documentation out there… So appengine is google’s answer to amazon’s EC2 cloud computing.

To cut a long story short

Well long time no see. It has been two weeks since I posted something. Today, it will be a general chitter-chatter First things first: fedora 11 is out. Checkout . I’ll point out beforehand before anyone curses me afterwards- there are a few quirks in the installation. In my case I’ll be waiting for fedora unity( to come up with its spin before jumping right in. But seriously guys, it’s me, you, our fault that these minor glitches came up.